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6 Ways Frozen Foods Can Help!

speed up meal prep

Speed Up Meal Prep

From ready-to-cook ravioli to pre-cleaned and chopped ingredients, convenient frozen foods allow for more quality time around the table.

Get Necessary Nutrients

The nutritional value of many frozen fruits and vegetables is generally equal to fresh and, in some cases, can even be higher1. That means less worrying about which is best — all forms count!

get necessary nutrients
simplify cooking

Simplify cooking

Be sure to follow the clear cooking instructions on frozen food packaging for optimal food safety and quality.

Cut food waste

Using frozen food generates 47% less food waste compared to ambient and chilled food consumed at home2. That’s a lot less food in landfills and a big help to the planet.

cut food waste
manage serving sizes

Manage serving sizes

Single-serve pouches and resealable packages allow you to easily manage serving sizes. Use what you need and leave the rest in the freezer for later.

Save time meal planning

Frozen entrées save the day when you haven’t had time to plan dinner. You can also unleash your culinary creativity by keeping your favorite frozen ingredients on hand.

save time meal planning

1. Linshan, L., Pegg Rl, Eitenmiller R., et al. Select nutrient analyses of fresh, fresh-stored, and frozen fruits and vegetables. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 59 (2017) 8-17.

2. Martindale, W. The potential of food preservation to reduce food waste. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society. (2016).

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