Pandemic Pumps Up Frozen Food Sales
The Earth may be facing global warming, but we’re in a new ice age – at least when it comes to frozen foods. While the pandemic put a chill on many products, frozen foods have heated up, growing sales even
The Earth may be facing global warming, but we’re in a new ice age – at least when it comes to frozen foods. While the pandemic put a chill on many products, frozen foods have heated up, growing sales even
Nearly 90 percent of Americans fail to consume the recommended amounts of vegetables and nearly 80 percent fail to meet dietary recommendations for fruit.1 While Americans struggle to add more fruits and vegetables to their diets, a recently concluded study reveals
As Americans strive to eat healthier and add more fruits and vegetables to their diets, a study from the University of Georgia (UGA) has a simple message for consumers: think frozen. In partnership with the Frozen Food Foundation, UGA conducted
Frozen foods fit the way people live and eat today. Results from menu modeling show that realistic, balanced and affordable menus featuring mostly frozen foods can meet energy, nutrient and cost goals based on recommendations from the 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans (DGAs), MyPlate, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Moderate Cost Food Plan.