Author name: admfnae

Woman Seafood Freezer Case

Entrées Ace the Freezer Case

The data show that households have increasingly turned to frozen food when buying groceries. Since 2019, sales have grown by 23%, and nearly three-quarters of shoppers are combining fresh and frozen groceries when making their meals at home. What is leading shoppers to rely on frozen foods? Read below to learn more about some of […]

Entrées Ace the Freezer Case Keep Reading

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Stretch your food dollar and eat nutritiously with frozen foods

The Frozen Advantage Download this infographic. Challenges to eating a healthy diet According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), nearly 9 in 10 Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) participants face barriers in providing their household with a healthy diet. 61% reported cost of healthy foods 30% reported time to prepare meals from scratch 11%

Stretch your food dollar and eat nutritiously with frozen foods Keep Reading

Frozen Foods A Key Ingredient to the Food Waste Solution

Frozen Foods: A Key Ingredient to the Food Waste Solution

Actionable solutions aren’t always readily available for pressing problems. However, when it comes to food waste, one solution can play a significant role: frozen food. Forty percent of food goes to waste every year in America. As with other waste reduction strategies, frozen foods can improve resource conservation, help feed a growing world and ensure

Frozen Foods: A Key Ingredient to the Food Waste Solution Keep Reading

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The Frozen Food Economy

The frozen food and beverage industry has boosts the U.S. economy. $65 billion Frozen Food Sales, $11.3 billion Tax Revenue, 670,000 Jobs Nationwide. 1 frozen food job produces 3.35 jobs elsewhere. Direct, indirect, and induced employment effects of the frozen food industry: 160,000 Direct Jobs, 510,000 Indirect Jobs.

The Frozen Food Economy Keep Reading

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