Toolkits & Multimedia

Social media provides a powerful opportunity to share the positive story about the benefits of frozen foods. Join in our efforts to bring awareness and educate users on the #FrozenAdvantage.


Frozen 101 Toolkit

Frozen 101 Toolkit

AFFI invites its members, partners and the public to help share the facts on frozen foods with our Frozen 101 Toolkit. This toolkit includes social media messaging and imagery for Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. Join us in debunking myths and answering consumers’ most frequently asked questions by using the hashtag #Frozen101

frozen food month

March is National Frozen Food Month

This toolkit will assist in high quality social media messaging and imagery for Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. Join in our efforts to effectively bring awareness and educate users on the benefits of frozen foods and be sure to use our hashtag #FrozenAdvantage.

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The Frozen Advantage

Social media provides a powerful opportunity to share the positive story about the benefits of frozen foods. This toolkit will assist in high quality social media messaging and imagery for Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. Join in our efforts to bring awareness and educate users on the #FrozenAdvantage.

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Frozen: A Sustainable Solution

AFFI invites its members, partners and the public to help share how frozen food helps reduce waste and to share your company’s commitment to reduce frozen’s environmental footprint. This toolkit includes social media messaging and imagery for Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.


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Stretch your food dollar and eat nutritiously with frozen foods

The Frozen Advantage Download this infographic. Challenges to eating a healthy diet According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), nearly 9 in 10 Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) participants face barriers in providing their household with a healthy diet.

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The Frozen Food Economy

The frozen food and beverage industry has boosts the U.S. economy. $65 billion Frozen Food Sales, $11.3 billion Tax Revenue, 670,000 Jobs Nationwide. 1 frozen food job produces 3.35 jobs elsewhere. Direct, indirect, and induced employment effects of the frozen food industry: 160,000 Direct Jobs, 510,000 Indirect Jobs.

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Frozen: A Food Waste Solution

Freezing means less wasted food and more access to nutritious portioned meals in every season and community. Frozen foods are often lower in cost-per-serving and have a great shelf life compared to fresh or refrigerated foods.


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Food Waste

cut food waste

See Why Frozen Food Is The Ideal Food Waste Solution

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10 Ways Frozen Foods Reduce Waste

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Process of Freezing

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